Wall panel "Thermo"

Quick guide

Acclimatization and choice of glue
We recommend acclimatizing wood panels to the new environment for 1-2 days, keeping them unpacked. This will ensure that the panels get used to the climate of the new room. Use only water-free polymer-based flexible mounting adhesive to glue the panels to the wall. Do not use dispersion-based (water based) adhesives, as this can lead to deformation of the panels!

Wall preparation
Make sure that the surface on which you will install the panels is relatively flat. The surface must also be clean, dry and free of dust. The product is intended for use in rooms with relative humidity from 40% to 60%. The panels are made of natural wood, that is why use them in high humidity places is not recommended.

Fixing the panels to the wall
Use polymer-based mounting adhesive to glue the panels to the wall. Do not use dispersion-based (water based) adhesives, as this can lead to deformation of the panels When choosing an adhesive, follow the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions about the surface onto which you plan to glue the panels, as well as the required amount of adhesive. Apply the glue as instructed. Make sure that the glue is also applied to the corners of the panels. Make sure the glue is applied to the corners of the panels as well.

Laying of panels
You can arrange the panels on the wall in your own unique pattern (horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or in any pattern of your choice) or as shown in the diagram. The decorative (facade) side of OZO model panels is structured, ribbed! Pay attention to it!